Friday, 17 April 2009

Welcome to my blog

Hi, I'm brochettes, welcome to my blog! I live in Leeds in the UK with my husband and two furry sociopaths (cats), and spend a lot of my time thinking about food, and trying to get the picture in my mind to match up with what's on the plate in front of me.

I am not a very disciplined person, so am not likely to post on here with any kind of regularity; but as I am prone to radom spurts of cooking activity, I hope this blog will help me keep track of the success stories in my kitchen. My cooking influences are pretty much divided into three categories: The first is the food of the places I have lived in (Germany, Morocco, UK), which is unsurprisingly what I feel most comfortable cooking and thus experimenting with. The second is any old recipe I come accross in a cookbook or online, and try to adapt to my own tastes. These are very hit -and -miss, and will only make it onto this blog once I've managed to eliminate the horrid miscalculations I am bound to make. Of course, these two categories cross into each other- I may start off with a German book on baking, alter things to adapt it to the way we used to make it in the family, and come out with something new. This often turns into my third food category: Accidental creations, also known as a desperate attempt to use what's left in the fridge before it goes off, bringing slighly unusual ingredients together or spilling icing sugar in a savoury chicken stew with some delicious results. These will be posted if they are either delicious, or at least interesting.
The two things that will not be found on this blog are brussels sprouts and raisins/ dried apricots, other than possibly in rants about a) Christmas food or b) common misconceptions about Moroccan food. Cookies on the other hand are likely to make a fairly regular appearance.

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